
interaction design pattern(交互设计模式)–用模式来提升用户体验

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这是一个用户为中心(user centered)的年代,诸如“以用户为中心的设计”、“以用户为中心的系统”、“用户为中心的营销”等等。

但是怎样才能够让产品设计中充分考虑到用户体验,避免致命性的坏体验(bad smell)?怎样让设计师的设计经验传承下去而不是“只可意会,不可言传”?


Common elements of an ID pattern

An Interaction design pattern usually consists of the following elements:

  • Problem: Problems are related to the usage of the system and are relevant to the user or any other stakeholder that is interested in usability.
  • Context: a situation (in terms of the tasks, the users and the context of use) giving rise to a usability problem. This section extends the plain problem-solutions dichotomy by describing situations in which the problems occur.
  • Principle: a pattern is usually based on one or more ergonomic principles such as user guidance, or consistency, or error management.
  • Solution: a proven solution to the problem. A solution describes only the core of the problem, and the designer has the freedom to implement it in many ways. Other patterns may be needed to solve sub problems.
  • Why: How and why the pattern actually works, including an analysis of how it may affect certain attributes of usability. The rationale (why) should provide a reasonable argument for the specified impact on usability when the pattern is applied. The why should describe which usability aspects should have been improved or which other aspects might suffer.
  • Examples: Each example shows how the pattern has been successfully applied in a real life system. This is often accompanied by a screenshot and a short description.

摘自wikipedia的Interaction design pattern






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